Ninas in traditional costume

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1 and a half?

Our 16hr flight to Chile left Sydney at 10am. The flight was mostly uneventful excepting:
  1. We chatted to a travel guide from Cuba who was on his way home from a 3month trip travelling Australia. Interestingly, due to Cuba's colourful history no country will grant Cuban's visas to visit. He said it was extremely rare for Cuban's to have travelled. In order ot travel you have to have a citizen of another country sponsor you. I thought it was sad that the world was able to isolate Cuban's so much so.
As a travel guide the man was very passionate about travel and hoped now that he had travel history he would be able to travel more. He then spent the next 30mins trying to convince us to visit Cuba. A few important things he thought we should know about Cuba:

a) Cuba is the most beautiful country in the world (no bias from the Cuban travel guide)
b) Apparently, it is also one of the safest countries in the world (again without bias)
c) Cuban is famous for jazz, rum, and cigars
d) The national sport is baseball (but they aren't very good)
e) The nation's fave past time is dominoes which I have been informed is not lining them up and pushing them over but a game that requires much strategy and skill! (go figure?)

   2. An Australian man was seated behind us had travelled Sth America extensively, relentlessly interrupted us to give us handy travel advice. It was lovely of him but eating, sleeping etc wasnt going to get in the way of a good tip.

    3. In the last hour of the flight lack of sleep, a pounding headache and a sudden descent got the better of me.
Hmmm, how do you ask for sick bag in spanish?
In the last 30 seconds literally as the wheels touched tarmac after exerting a great amount of control i couldnt take it any longer. Ah unlucky!
Our friendly travel tip man continued to recommend the glacier here and the valley there as I gracefully hurled! No joke! Yes, he was a keeper!

We arrived in Santiago at around 12pm the same day just 2 hours after our departure in Sydney due to the time difference.

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